Sud 'N Clean, a super carpet & upholstery cleaner that you mix with water. Our product is designed to help remove spots & stains and retard soiling while leaving no soapy residue. Leaves no soap reside. Best for shampoo machines. No phosphates, no bleaches, no chlorine. #1 seller for pet stains and odors. Price includes 1 FREE natural fiber cleaning brush, ideal for use with our products per order.
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This product works great with the following types of Carpet & Rugs:
- Oriental or domestic
- High pile or low pile
- Indoor/Outdoor
- Kitchen or shag
- Upholstered furniture
- 1 lb. Container: 4 - 4.5 rooms, 12 auto interiors, 4 large sofas and chairs.
- 2 lb. Container: 8 - 9 rooms, 24 auto interiors, 8 large sofas and chairs.
- 5 lb. Container: 20 - 22 rooms, 60 auto interiors, 20 large sofas and chairs.
#1 Seller for pet stains and odors! Sud 'N Clean is also a super laundry booster
- 1 lb. Container: Will boost your laundry detergent up to 12 loads.
- 2 lb. Container: Will boost your laundry detergent up to 24 loads.
- 5 lb. Container: Will boost your laundry detergent up to 60 loads.
Suggested uses:
- Carpet & Upholstery
- Cars, Boats & RV's
- Clothing & Sweaters
- Leather or Cloth shoes
- Mirrors & Windows
Removes stains caused by soda, coffee, tea, oil, rust, red clay & many others.
Shipping & Handling: $8.95
Sud 'N Clean
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